I was going back through some of my old posts and came upon Rainbows. It almost brought me to tears. Sometimes you get so used to telling a story that you have become detached from the trauma of going through what you went through. Sometimes, even though you are able to remember the lessons, you have forgotten parts of the journey.
I had forgotten this moment. I had forgotten these words I wrote to myself. I said, “…because I’m almost certain He’s just told me to be quiet and trust Him more. To hush, and stop thinking so hard, and do what He says, and that even if He’s got to destroy some things I think I need, He’s got me. Peace, be still.”
Even if He’s got to destroy some things.
Fast forward three years later. I still haven’t told you guys everything I went through in those three years. What I will say, is the Lord had to get VERY loud about the things He meant for me to walk away from. I can be hard-headed. I realize this as I begin to comb through my sparse journals and notes from about three years ago. So, He had to get really loud.
But here I am, with so much that was destroyed, to find a peace so complete I can’t explain it. God truly intends to produce the purest, strongest form of you. And He continues to apply heat when necessary, prune when necessary, so that the work He has begun will eventually be completed–if you listen, follow, and surrender.
I wrote a chapter about the beginning of this journey, but this blog–this blog in its disjointed way really captures my spiritual walk over the past 3 years. It shows how God has been speaking to me and preparing me for this year of LEAP.
What does that mean for you?
One of my favorite things has always been to look back and see how God brought everything together. I wrote another post, Moving in Faith, that talks about waiting for your 41. Getting through those hard times knowing that the Lord has something great on the other side for you, and that you in Him with Him in you are powerful beyond measure to live His will–that is to glorify Him through your unique gifts in the fullest way possible. It means that even if you can’t see it right now, God is moving, shifting, breaking and pruning things for your good. You will be more than okay as long as you are trusting Him. We will be okay as long as we are trusting Him.
I can’t wait to see what He has in store. Because you know–it’s beyond our imagination!