Just Me

Who Am I?

I think that is a question we all spend this life continuing to try to answer. Who am I? Who does God want me to be? Who do I want to be?

A colleague asked me once what I wanted to do. Half jokingly, I said, “Oh, you know, just change the world.” But seriously, I’m not sure how, but I’d like to know, when I’m dying, that in some small way, I left an imprint of positivity that will live on long after I’m gone. Sure, I’d like to fix all the world’s problems, too, but maybe that’s too ambitious, and maybe it’s not. Mostly, I’d like to raise some amazing men, make some people healthier inside and out, and inspire love in more people. And I’d like to make sure I do it in the way God has for me.

I’m what some would call an extroverted introvert. If you met me, you’d have no idea that some of my happiest moments are spent alone, in complete solitude with a book and a cup of coffee, but on first meeting me, you might either think I’m quiet, or stuck-up depending on my mood and your level of judgment. I can go days without feeling lonely. But my migraines taught me, that I can’t go weeks without feeling lonesome. I love people (most of the time), but I live in my head.

This space is my space to just be me–nerd out. be completely in my own head. It’s not about being a mom or a doctor or a wife. It’s about liking what I like, it’s about my experience as a black woman in America, it’s about me.

Why I’m here

Getting to Know Me

I have some feelings…COVID 19

This is Stil Happening

Mother’s Day 2020

Checking in with Me

Soulful Sundays

Once a week, I will have an installment that speaks to my spirituality, because, as I’ve said, to me, spiritual wellness, is essential to complete wellness. Because I am Christian, my spirituality is heavily based in my relationship with the Trinity. If reading about God, Jesus, or the Spirit will offend your sensibilities, these posts aren’t for you—be advised.

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