Checking in with me…

May 2, 2020

This is hard. Because right now, I’ve realized that the me piece of me is being a little…ignored. The only alone time I get is if my migraine is bad enough I can’t take it. What 15 minutes of reflection? Notice how Soulful Sundays have all but vanished? It’s a little sad. How does one protect herself from vanishing in the midst of the hustle and bustle of service and more service. This is my perpetual struggle. And as I write this out, I’m smiling a little, and tearing up a little as I realize it’s yet another “test” of the skills I learned…am learning.

Old habits die hard.

But I also think that during this time, this past 6 weeks, it was going to look different. The thing is that moving forward, I will need to be intentional about making sure to feed the me that isn’t a role. And I need to pray very hard for the health to afford my husband the same opportunity.

This spoke to me today.

Sometimes, we just need a little rest.

May 9, 2020

2 Replies to “Checking in with me…”

  1. Yup! You have to secure your own ‘air mask’ before you can help others. A difficult lesson to remember in times like this. Those you so lovingly serve NEED you to do your own self care and inner work. As a woman, a mother, someone that’s had an extensive career history… I wish I knew then the things you share now! Thank you for your transparency!!

  2. Yup! You have to secure your own ‘air mask’ before you can help others. A difficult lesson to remember in times like this. Those you so lovingly serve NEED you to do your own self care and inner work. As a woman, a mother, someone that’s had an extensive career history… I wish I knew then the things you share now! Thank you for your transparency!!

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