
Soulful Sundays: Once a week I will have an installment that speaks to my spirituality, because, as I’ve said, to me, spiritual wellness, is essential to complete wellness. Because I am Christian, my spirituality is heavily based on my relationship with the Trinity and the Christian Bible. If reading about God, Jesus, or the Spirit will offend your sensibilities, these posts aren’t for you–be advised

13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

Gen 9:13 KJV

I was riding in the car, thinking about a particularly difficult situation. In fact, many would call it impossible, or hopeless. I had my eyes closed, and I was talking to God, asking Him to make this situation better, and to strengthen me and prepare me if He decided not to, and I opened my eyes and saw the picture I’ve loaded to today’s blog…a rainbow. Not taking up the sky—not overwhelming. If I wasn’t looking, I would have missed it. If I had kept my eyes closed longer, I would have missed it. At first, the parallel to the scripture lost on me, I tried to snap a picture, thinking that my oldest would really want to see this partial rainbow. And then, the significance of what I was seeing hit me. The symbol of a covenant. A promise. What the rainbow can represent to those who believe. God’s first promise, and His every promise. For me in that moment, that tiny rainbow, in that great big sky–that almost invisible hope, in all that impossibility—it gave me so much peace.

You see guys, I didn’t get to write last week. There’s a reason. A great one. I took a trip to see a physical therapist who has changed the course of my headaches. I’m about 70% better. I may have to take my abortive therapy tomorrow, because I’ve simply overdone it the past few days, but where I’d been taking this medication every day to every other day, I have gone 11 days without taking it. For the first time in over 6 months, I went 11 days migraine free. I am so amazingly and abundantly grateful to God! It’s amazing!

And that’s just the beginning of what He’s been doing for me in the past 3-4 months. He is simply AWESOME. AMAZING. So I’m sitting in the car, talking to Him about this situation, and there is this tiny symbol of his covenant with Noah, in the great big sky, and if I had waited just 2-3 more seconds, I’d have missed it, and I’m so moved, because I’m almost certain He’s just told me to be quiet and trust Him more. To hush, and stop thinking so hard, and do what He says, and that even if He’s got to destroy some things I think I need, He’s got me. Peace, be still.  

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

~ Matthew 19:26 ESV

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