“Prescriptions for the Pandemic” Week 6 and 7

Week 6

In Week 6, we discussed five social activities and their relative risk. taken from this article.

  • Backyard Gatherings of fewer than 10 people–low to medium risk
  • Eating indoors at a restaurant–medium to high risk activity
  • Attending a religious servous–high risk
  • Spending a day at a popular beach or pool–low risk IF you can keep appropriate social distancing
  • Outdoor celebrations of greater than 10 guest
  • s–medium to high risk

We also touched on safety guidance for protests in light of another public health issue–racisim.

Since our discussion, TMA has offered this guidance:

Week 7

This week, we went into detail discussing the increased cases in Texas. It was important for me to point out that this had nothing to do with the protests, because it was much too soon to see an increase in numbers just yet.

We also covered what you should do if you went to the protests–how you could protect those around you if you thought you may have been exposed to a high risk situation.

We covered what masks ACTUALLY do–it’s more about loving your neighbor, and less about self protection. You should still wear one.

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