“Prescriptions for the Pandemic” Week 5

This week’s installment was just after the govenor’s announcement of more reopenings, so of course we talked about our personal responsibilities as it relates to having more freedoms.

Points I really wanted to drive home:

  1. If it’s an emergency, go to the ER. They have systems in place to keep those not infected with COVID, not infected, and are prepared to take care of you. Please don’t die at home.
  2. Continue to take care of your chronic health issues. Your primary care doctors are waiting on you, and it’s important to continue to take care of yourselves.
  3. Just because they have opened things doesn’t mean the virus has changed. It is still just as contagious as it has always been. When we closed things it was because we worried we wouldn’t have any room in the hospitals for the seriously ill. Now, we are pretty sure we have a bed for you if you do get seriously ill. The question is, do YOU want that bed?
  4. Continue to support business in ways that keep you safe; don’t put yourself in danger to support a business.

See the episode below:

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