What groups are most at risk?

  • Age > 60: our immune systems get weaker as we get older. They are also weaker when we are very young (younger than 2) but for some reason, this virus hasn’t affected that population quite the same
  • Metabolic syndrome: hypertension, diabetes, obesity (BMI > 30): these things weaken our immune systems. Hypertension is turning out to be a bit less of a risk factor, while uncontrolled diabetes and BMI >40 are turning out to be significant risk factors for severe disease.
  • Coronary Artery Disease or Heart Failure–they are in pro-inflammatory states, and the illness tends to attack the heart.
  • active smokers and vapers–damages the lungs, and this illness really likes the lungs
  • males?: some thinking that it may be due to the fact that the immune function is on the X chromosome, and males only have one.
  • Immunocompromised: cancer patients on chemo, those with autoimmune illnesses on certain medications, patients with severe kidney disease, particularly those on dialysis, end stage liver disease.
  • African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans-This is extremely multi-factorial, and goes back a long way. It’s more systemic than genetic–and I did a completely separate post to try to do the subject justice.
  • Chronic lung disease?: It is still being considered a risk factor, although there are clear differences between COPD and asthmatics in the data.
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