Saturday, my son was the first person I told about the site, because I wanted to get his permission to use the rainbow image on the motherhood page. And I created a monster. “Mommy, you have to tell them about our amazing night!” he instructed as I snapped photos of him and his toddler brother having an amazing time. When I decided to have them 5 years apart, so many people had so much to say.
“They won’t be close.” “You sure did wait a long time.”
I had my reasons. One was that a sane mommy is the most important thing in a child’s life, and I hate–loathe–pregnancy. In me. Pregnancy and my body are not friends. But then my son started asking for a brother. Praying for a brother. And my husband and I had discussed two children, and he hadn’t exactly freed me from that promise. So here he is–and I love him.
And I’m amazed that they have such a brotherly bond. The younger is 2 and the older is 7 and they fight and play just like my brother and I did, and we were only 18 months apart. So this evening started with my toddler having a meltdown because he couldn’t have all my decorative pillows to build his personal fort, pillows my 7 year old had already started playing with (I, by the way, don’t approve of any of this fort building with my decorative pillows–but I’m a boy mom, so some battles, you lose). It ended with a shared fort and songs and laughter and hugs. “See how much fun it is when you share?” I hear my older son say to the toddler.
If only the world could hear him now.