
I am so blessed to be the mom of 2 amazing sons and a Doberman. This of course informs how I see the world and what I tend to care about on so many levels! It stretches me in ways I didn’t know possible.

What kind of mom am I? Did I mention I work?

The only thing I Pinterest is recipes for my Insta Pot and my next hairstyle. I am not trying to keep up with the room mom at school. I’m NOT hosting the perfect birthday party or play date. But because of my interest in obesity and wellness, I try really hard to be a present parent who cooks most meals a week (we eat lots of left-overs people–and I can’t say I was consistently good at this through the pandemic), and I try to be available for a debrief of their day, and bedtime songs and prayers.

One thing the migraines did was sit me down long enough to remember to prioritize my children a bit more, so plan to be much more involved in their day to day going forward (before I really left that more to my husband who had more job flexibility, but he’s much less detail oriented than I am, and truthfully, my babies just really need their mom). They also taught me to relax a bit (did I mention I’m a recovering perfectionist?).

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Santa Claus Is Dead

Shout Out to the Toddler

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