Getting to Know Me

So this was posted on Twitter, and because I’m not popular on Twitter and have no following, it wasn’t something that mattered when I replied, but I thought it’d be a fun thing to blog as a “Get To Know Me”…so here are a few of my responses:

“And then…I gave up coffee” Been drinking it since I was 10 or so. When I was in high school, my mom got me a coffee maker with an espresso maker as one of my gifts for Christmas.

“The movie was better than the book” Like—who in their right mind believes this? Also, books are BAE! I mean tied equally with coffee and great food. And after my human BAEs of course…yeah…lol.

“I’d love to go to that party full of people I never talk to!” Introvert 4 Life!

“Small talk is the best thing EVER!” See above

“I LOVE being pregnant!!” Yeah, not for me. Ever. Again. Assuming the Good Lord says the same (I’m definitely doing my part, I tell ya! Faith without works, chile…)

“Supersize it!” You should never. Unless you’re a 19 year old, 220lb male who runs track 5 days a week.

“I LOVE planning parties!” Shoot me.

“I would totally do residency again” See above

“I love pickles!” I’ve tried. I just..can’t. You guys make them look really good, though.

“Chocolate is GROSS!” Who are these people?

“Wine is GROSS!” Jesus didn’t say this…you can’t say this 😊

“I just love CHAOS!” Type A personality here—I crave order and I have a plan A, B, C. It drives me crazy that other people don’t have answers for my 5 million hypothetical questions. I’m working on this. Also, this blog is probably the most unplanned thing I’ve ever done…in life. So cheers to a bit of therapy!

“So, I’m going to have on flats at brunch” I never wear flats, y’all. I have to be hiking, or training a dog, exercising, or something where heels are really, really unsafe in order not to wear them. I wore them every day of my pregnancy. I wear them everywhere. If I’m not in heels, you should know there’s something wrong. Ask. I’m not okay.

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