May 16, 2020
It has been one of those weeks where the entirety of the past 9 months of being patient and controlled in adversity felt like it was going to fall on me. It drove home some important lessons home:
- You’ve got to stand up for yourself. If you don’t, no one else will. You’ve got to have your boundaries in place, and speak up when those boundaries are being walked all over. Yes, have grace with others, but also, you deserve better. Make sure you get it!
- You’ve got to make time to check in with you. A couple of weeks ago, I realized I was ignoring myself and my feelings, and promised to change that. I truly believe the intensity of the frustration I felt in this week was the culmination of forgetting to check-in, and handle small problems while they were small. We can prevent build up by checking in. The other thing is that it works guys. I am queen of compartmentalizing. So on Sunday morning, when I just felt off, and realized I needed to meditate, and cleared my mind, and tears just came. Tears. It was so surprising, and not surprising at the same time. I needed to cry, but I never would have let myself in all the busyness. Then, I could start fixing it.
- God is an amazing God: In the midst of this, I have had amazing support from the most unexpected places—some of them people that weren’t in my life 9 months ago. I also managed to bless others through blessings from others. It’s amazing how God works—how things come together. I’m constantly awestruck.

I’m waking up this Saturday in much better shape than last week…or even the last 2 or 3 from a mental and spiritual perspective. And I attribute that to checking in with myself and realizing I wasn’t taking care of me, then committing to doing just that. So I challenge anyone reading this to do the same. You deserve it!
Good for you! Makes me happy.