Shout out to the Toddler

Toddlers are pretty amazing creatures. They’re just great big balls of pure, random emotion. Nothing feels better than the sheer excitement they have when they see you for the first time when they get home at the end of the day: “Mommy!!” with arms outstretched, and smile wide, eyes bright. Similar force of emotion drives their not-so-positive behavior, and he’s not so reasonable when he’s extremely disappointment that the milk is in the green cup instead of the blue one as he requested. Luckily, they’re also really, really cute at this age!

My toddler, also happens to be a sarcastic old man trapped inside a toddler’s body. When he bumped his head the other day, he allowed his dad to briefly comfort him, then quietly walked over to the kitchen where the “real” comforter of the family was cooking. He looked up at me expectantly. I picked him up, and gave him a hug as he laid his head against my chest. “Your head still hurts?” “Yeah,” said in the congratulatory tone of a parent proud of a child for guessing the correct answer mixed with a bit of pitifulness—delivered with a touch of side eye he’s been giving since he was 3 months old. So I patted his back—really laid it on thick. I really thought this was hilarious—how he had just quietly walked away from my husband like—yeah, I’m gonna go get this mama-cuddle, but I’m not gonna hurt your feelings. So funny. He wasn’t dramatic about it at all.

Circle of kisses in bed with the littles

This little one keeps me laughing. I can’t wait to see who he is as he gets older. My older one, he’s a great big heart. I tell everyone—I don’t know what he’s going to do, but he’s meant to touch people’s lives. This younger one…I laugh, because I see him and think “World Domination.” At 17 months, what’s supposed to be the height of separation anxiety, he walked into a bustling Halloween party full of screaming 5-7 year old kids and adults with his chest stuck out, reading the room, with a smirk on his face and didn’t look for me until it was time to eat.  He had everyone eating out of his hands. This kid is so much fun, and so much challenge. I pray every day he loves school, because you don’t MAKE him do anything.

Where am I going with this. I don’t know. Just an ode to my younger son, I guess. An ode to where we are. I realized that because the toddler days are so crazy, and my experiences with my older one are so much more—organized, I’d written more about him, and it seemed unbalanced. Unfair. So this was a shout out to the littler little.

The other day, he walked up to me, out of the blue, and in toddler speak said, “I lub you” while I was doing something random in the living room. I was so touched, because before that, he had only ever said thank you when I told him I loved him. And I wanted to remember it. And now I will.

Santa Claus is Dead

“Mommy, is Santa Claus real? Really, mommy, tell me the truth.”

I had always promised myself that when my child REALLY asked, he would get just that, the truth. Because that is one of my core values, honesty. Almost to a fault, really. So when he asked while we were doing cuddle time with his 2 year old brother, I quieted him, because we’re supposed to be quiet during cuddle time, and when we went downstairs to read Harry Potter, I texted his dad to be sure it was okay that I told him the truth. It was. “Did someone tell you there wasn’t a Santa Claus?”

“Do you think there is a Santa Claus?”
“I do, but I want to make sure I’m right.”
“Well, logically, do you think there’s a Santa Claus. Does it make sense?”
“Well, no. I mean, magic is make-believe. And how does one man get all those presents to everyone?”
“If he doesn’t get the presents, who does?’
“Your parents.”
“So do you believe in Santa Claus”
“I do, but I want to know if I’m right”

A few more rounds of this. I asked him if he really wanted to know the truth and he insisted he did. I told him it might make him a little sad. Then I told him that there isn’t a Santa. Guys, he took it much better than I did, and I was 2 years older when I found out! “So you’ve been buying all my presents?” Mind you, I didn’t exactly get the thank you I hoped for, but I did get a few requests, one of which was for some frogs—which I promptly turned down. The boy can’t take care of plants, and I already have a puppy to try to support. I AM NOT KEEPING FROGS ALIVE TOO!
We then talked about his responsibility not to ruin the fun for everyone else. I asked him why the little boy who told him had told him. He was being mean. Of. Course. And he would NOT do that to some other kid. He WOULD NOT. He would let them enjoy the fun until they figured it out for themselves.
And then we read a chapter in our first Harry Potter book. They grow up too fast, guys!

Lessons from Ruth

Once a week, I will have an installment that speaks to my spirituality, because, as I’ve said, to me, spiritual wellness, is essential to complete wellness. Because I am Christian, my spirituality is heavily based in my relationship with the Trinity. If reading about God, Jesus, or the Spirit will offend your sensibilities, these posts aren’t for you—be advised.

I’m still dealing with these migraines. Still trying to see where they’re going to take me and I’m still looking for guidance, and sometimes needing a little encouragement to keep pushing. It has been so amazing to see God work to use these migraines to grow me as a person, and amazing to see Him give me just what I need to keep me pushing. He didn’t disappoint this Sunday.
It’s funny how even when you know better, you think YOU are making a decision, when actually, it’s been His plan all along. Or, He’s rather capable of using our decisions for His benefit. Either way…
Our dog has been having quite a time with his ear cropping, and we were having guests over later in the afternoon. In an attempt to be able to have some down time before our guests (to prevent a major headache) and so that someone could watch the dog (to keep him from removing his bandages, yet again!) I attended 8 am service at a congregation other than the one I usually attend. And it was obvious, this was just as God intended, as soon as I heard the message.

“God will take you through something—He needs to humble you because He’s getting ready to expand you in a great way.”

The minister was talking about Ruth, about how she lost her husband and her sons, she was widowed, with no family, and she was basically at what we would call “rock bottom.” He explained that sometimes, God will take you through something—He needs to humble you because He’s getting ready to expand you in a great way. He then used a secular example: Steve Harvey.
Steve Harvey was praying for an increase in his notoriety, then he announced the wrong winner on the Miss Universe stage in 2015. He instantly became known world wide, and it was so bad, he had to hire security due to death threats. Shortly after, he had a show where he hosted Miss Columbia, and it was his show with highest ratings. He has been much more globally recognized since that moment.
Back to Ruth—Ruth lost everything. But Naomi, her daughter-in-law stuck beside her. And through that love, God increased Ruth’s blessing she became the ancestor of one of the greatest men to ever walk the face of the Earth according to us Christians!
I left so encouraged. I’m not sure who else needs to hear this, but I sure did. Sometimes you’ve prayed for an increase. Sometimes you didn’t even pray for it, but God is ready for you to have it. However, before you can have something so great, you need to know how human you are, how small you are, so that you keep your humility. You need to remember just how quickly it can vanish so that you appreciate it when it comes. You need to remember how great He is, so that you don’t second guess who got you where you are, and who’s going to continue to carry you through. Be blessed!

Sharing is Caring

Saturday, my son was the first person I told about the site, because I wanted to get his permission to use the rainbow image on the motherhood page. And I created a monster. “Mommy, you have to tell them about our amazing night!” he instructed as I snapped photos of him and his toddler brother having an amazing time. When I decided to have them 5 years apart, so many people had so much to say.

“They won’t be close.” “You sure did wait a long time.”

I had my reasons. One was that a sane mommy is the most important thing in a child’s life, and I hate–loathe–pregnancy. In me. Pregnancy and my body are not friends. But then my son started asking for a brother. Praying for a brother. And my husband and I had discussed two children, and he hadn’t exactly freed me from that promise. So here he is–and I love him.

And I’m amazed that they have such a brotherly bond. The younger is 2 and the older is 7 and they fight and play just like my brother and I did, and we were only 18 months apart. So this evening started with my toddler having a meltdown because he couldn’t have all my decorative pillows to build his personal fort, pillows my 7 year old had already started playing with (I, by the way, don’t approve of any of this fort building with my decorative pillows–but I’m a boy mom, so some battles, you lose). It ended with a shared fort and songs and laughter and hugs. “See how much fun it is when you share?” I hear my older son say to the toddler.

If only the world could hear him now.

My First Blog…

Why did I start this page? I think it’s been a long time coming, but recently, a series of events have really highlighted that I’ve been selling myself, my talents, my God (yes I believe in God, and He is the reason I am all I am) short.

A friend of mine started a campaign, #extraordinaryiswhoiam. And it was sitting there, watching her live video (that honestly I didn’t know I was signing up to watch when she asked me to post this picture on Tuesday after Labor Day), that I realized I’m not allowed to sit back and continue to just think about things I’d like to see happen. Think about the writing I used to do, and hope to write again. Think about my passion for preventative care, healthy eating, exercise, wellness, and not start to put a plan in motion to share that widely. So I decided shortly after that this is how I’d start. And see where it leads me.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text

Find the link to the live that was my final inspiration below, and join the movement! Because you, sis, are also extraordinary!

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