This is a rough period. The Lord sometimes allows us to go through some storms, but He is always our shelter, and He always shows us ways to continue to protect ourselves.
I was asked to speak on how we secure our physical shelter through this storm.
First some background on COVID can be found here.
I strongly believe that we are to take care of our bodies and that this is scripturally sound messaging! 1 Cor 3:16 tells us that our bodies are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in us. If you remember how God was very serious about the physical temple built in the Old Testament, you know that He does not take his temple lightly. In 1 Cor 6:19-20 we are further instructed to glorify God with our bodies.
This brings me to SHELTER: Sleep, Healthy eating, Exercise, Listen to the experts, Tame your disease and do your prevention, Everything you already know, and Rest in Him.
Sleep and other forms of rest and recharge are essential to your health. Science says you ideally need 7-9 hours of sleep nightly. Disordered sleep can affect blood pressures, weight, blood sugars, and increase your risk of heart disease, just to name a few things. Additionally–the reason I bring it here specifically, is it weakens your immune system. You need good rest for a strong immune system, ready to fight any obstacle it may encounter. I’d also like to speak to Meditation and Gratitude -as they are a form of recharge, and are both beneficial to your health. *click the links*
H–Healthy Eating
Healthy eating gives your body the right nutrients to strengthen the immune system. Supplements can be beneficial, but what I have researched and strongly believe is that our bodies process nutrients much better from food sources–this is how God made our bodies–it just makes sense. It also helps keep our bodies at a healthy weight, and obesity has shown to be one of the biggest risk factors for COVID-19.
In Daniel 1:8, 12,13,15, we see a story where Daniel avoided the “royal diet” in favor of eating vegetables and water. At the end of the suggested time, he and the other soldiers were far healthier and more youthful in appearance. I’m not telling you you must go plant-based (although there’s lots of evidence to support this (-:), but there’s your scriptural support for a healthy diet!!
I like to focus on a healthy plate.
For more information on other ways to address your diet see this section of my blog.
Exercise has been shown to be helpful for strengthening the immune system! Anyone who knows me knows I will prescribe exercise for almost ANYTHING! There are no chemical side effects. It works to counter the obesity that places us more at risk in this pandemic. It works to control chronic illness. It works to help our mental health and sense of well-being. I truly can’t say enough great things about it.
Read my other post about exercise here.
L–Listen to the Experts
It’s a shame that we have really gotten into a culture of mistrust when it comes to our trained professionals. The truth is, that the Bible teaches us that there is a time to sit down, and listen to others. Prov 12:15 says “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. ” Proverbs 1: 5 says “ A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels”. Mark 12:17 reminds us that everyone has their lane–Give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar’s. We are to put our full trust in God, but we are also to trust those who He has given the knowledge and understanding in certain special areas.
Finally, I have heard many people take the road of “I am just going to trust God” when opting not to follow certain well established guidelines.” This is prohibited in Luke 4:9-12, when Jesus is tested in the wilderness, and refers to older writings saying “It is written, thou shall not tempt the Lord, thy God”
T–Tame Your Disease
One thing we have found in COVID is that many chronic illness are risk factors severe illness in COVID. You want to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. Make your doctor’s appointments–virtually or socially distanced. What we are seeing is people are coming in to hospitals much sicker than they normally are from things that are not COVID because they are scared to come in to take care of their illnesses. We don’t want to see people dying needlessly from other things.
E–Everything You Already Know
Wear your masks, wash your hands, socially distance. It’s simple.
R–Rest in Him
If you take a peek at the rest of my blog, you will see that I went through my own journey before this COVID thing. I grew to a different place with my trust in God. When this COVID thing hit, I sat down, and asked, “Really, God? Something else?” But we had a talk. And he reminded me that: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 1 Cor 12:9-11. We have to learn to submit fully to his will, because his will is perfect. He will see us through this storm, y’all! Phil 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.